Publications, Reports, & Blogs

Some of my written work, varying from reports and blogs to actual papers.

Ferreira, A., Mahip, S., Capra, A., Carli, I., Duque Quiceno, D., Fedorko, W. T., Fujiwara, M., Li, M., Martin, L., Saito, L., Smith, G., Xu, A. (2024). Vertex reconstruction with Deep Learning for ALPHA-g Radial Time Projection Chamber [Pre-print].

Ferreira, A., Mahip, S., Capra, A., Carli, I., Duque Quiceno, D., Fedorko, W. T., Fujiwara, M., Li, M., Martin, L., Saito, L., Smith, G., Xu, A. (2024). AI Meets Antimatter: Unveiling Antihydrogen Annihilations [Workshop paper]. Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop at NeurIPS 2024. Available on arXiv and workshop website.

Ferreira, A., Mahip, S., Capra, A., Carli, I., Duque Quiceno, D., Fedorko, W. T., Fujiwara, M., Li, M., Martin, L., Saito, L., Smith, G., Xu, A. (2024). ALPHA-g Preprocessed Simmulation Dataset for Machine Learning [Dataset]. Zenodo. Access.

Ferreira, A. (2024). Illuminating the Ultraviolet Near Infrared Optical Northern Survey with Simple Masked Image Modeling [PHYS 437B report]. Access.\(^1\)

Ferreira, A. (2023). Applying Self-Supervised Representation Learning to the Ultraviolet Near Infrared Optical Northern Survey [PHYS 437A report]. Access.\(^1\)

Ferreira, A (2023) Implications of Explainable of Artificial Intelligence to the Ethics of Automated Warfare [Policy brief]. University of Waterloo Defence and Security Foresight Group AI, Ethics, and Warfare Series Publications. Access.

Sun, Y., & Ferreira, A. (2023). Empirical Investigations on Influencer Detection on Twitter [Scientific report]. Defence Research and Development Canada Research Reports.

Ferreira, A (2023). Can Artificial Intelligence Bots Sail Better than Humans? [Medium blog]. UWaterloo Data Science Medium Page. Access.\(^2\)

\(^1\) PHYS 437 is the fourth-year research project in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Waterloo. For this project I was co-supervised by Sebastien Fabbro from the Herzberg Astronomy & Astrophysics Research Centre and Mike Hudson from the University of Waterloo.

\(^2\) This blog post has 52 claps (analogous to likes) and counting!